715-232-2164 HOURS: M-F 9-6, Sat 9-3 info@menomonielibrary.org

Computer series

The library is partnering again with UW Extension to offer basic computer workshops.  These have proven popular and fill up quickly.  

10:00AM-12:00PM February 5th – March 12th

This series of technology classes will cover basic skills and be delivered with brief instruction followed by hands-on practice. The series will dedicate 3 classes to Computer Basics (Feb 5, Feb 12, & Feb 19) and 3 classes to Internet 101 (Feb 26, Mar 5, and Mar 12). You may sign up for the topic that interests you or the series as a whole. Michael Schiel, UW-Stout AmeriCorps/Vista Bridging the Digital Divide, Jill Hietpas, Community Development & Broadband Educator from UW Extension and Rundi Myklebust, Adult Services Assistant will present this basic computer series. No computer experience is required for this 6-session workshop.

Pre-registration is required for all classes. Class sizes are limited to 10 participants. To pre-register call 715-232-2164#10