You can access Newsbank’s collection of digital newspapers with your library card. The collection of over 8,000 titles worldwide is free to library patrons and is updated daily. The database provides Web-based access to current and archived issues of full-text newspapers, including The Dunn County News, Eau Claire Leader-Telegram, Chippewa Herald, St. Paul Pioneer Press, Minneapolis Star Tribune, Wisconsin State Journal, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, and Capital Times. It is great for homework assignments. The resources are authoritative and citable.
America’s News and Access World News enables you to easily search and browse current and archived news articles, editorials, reviews, birth and marriage announcements, obituaries and a variety of special sections. You can use this resource for general reference or to research local and national issues, events, people, government, education, arts, business, sports, real estate and much more. In addition to using workstations at the library, patrons can access the collection from home by logging in with their library at
America’s News and Access World News is a resource offered by NewsBank, the world’s premier provider of newspapers and other news sources online. Serving public libraries for more than 40 years, NewsBank offers Web-based access to more than 8,000 titles from the U.S. and other countries around the globe. For more information on this collection, contact the library by calling 715.232.2164 or emailing, or visit the library’s web site